as sung by Rosa Pasosttps://

Eu só quero um sol verim
Pé de manga e de jasmim
Muita fita do bonfim
Aqui no meu jardim
Eu só quero a luz marfim
Afastando o que é ruim
respirar pirlimpimpim
aqui no meu jardim

Achuva cai inundando o capim
Do mesmo céu vem você querubim
O tempo vai, quanto tempo já foi
Ninguém mais, só nós dois

Quero ouvir o passarim
Sobiando Tom Jobim
Cachoeira e mar sem fim
aqui no meu jardim
Quero um cheiro de alecrim
Tua beleza Diadorim
E te ouvir dizer que sim
Aqui no meu jardim

English Translation

I only want the richness of the sun
Mango and jasmine at my feet
Great strip of the bonfim
Here in my garden
I only want the light ivory
Removing what is bad
to breathe pirlimpimpim
here in my garden

The rain falls flooding the grass
From the same sky comes you cherub
The time goes, how much time it was already
No one else, only we both

I want to hear the passarim
Sobiando Tom Jobim
Waterfall and sea without end
here in my garden
I want a scent of rosemary
Your beauty Diadorim
And to hear that you are, yes
Here in my garden


Diadorim is the name of a character in Grande Sertao Veredas, a famous book by the Brazilian novelist Joao Guimaraes Rosa. The name Diadorim can be interpreted in many ways: in Greek the word diadoros is composed by Dios, the god Zeus, and doron, talent, gift. The name is related to a divine talent or gift. Dia also denotes light, day. 'im in Diadorim is a suffix used for the masculine as well as for the feminine. Diadorim - an androgynous being - is enigmatic.

Passarim is Jobim's major statement of the '80s, emerging during a time when Jobim's concerns were turning increasingly toward Planet Earth issues. The title song is one of Jobim's most haunting creations, a cry of pain about the the destruction of the Brazilian rainforest that resonates in the memory for hours. Also, by this time Jobim had resumed touring with a large group containing friends and family, and they carry a great deal of the load here, with lots of airy female backup vocals, two worthy songs by Jobim's multi-talented son Pauloand another by flutist/singer Danilo Caymmi. Recorded entirely in Rio, the record's overall sound is very different from Jobim's '60s and '70s work — denser, hazier, still grounded in the samba yet rougher in texture (as is Jobim's voice). Though not as immediately winning as the Creed Taylor-produced albums, this music repays repeated listening — particularly the extended suite from Jobim's score for the film Gabriela — and there are samples of Jobim's wry humor in "Chansong" and the bossa nova reworking of "Fascinatin' Rhythm"

The Igreja do Bonfimis closely associated with fitas do Senhor do Bonfim ("fita" is "ribbon", and the Senhor do Bonfim is both Jesus Christ and his syncretized counterpart Oxalá), which are sold by wandering vendors both in Pelourinho and in front of the Igreja do Bonfim itself (unhappily, "sold" isn't really a very good way to put it, "pushed" and "foisted" being more like it). The idea behind the fitas is that they are tied around one's wrist with three knots, the knots corresponding to three wishes made as the knots are tied, and when the fabric wears out and the fita drops off...the wishes will be granted.

Bonfim is a municipality located in the mideast of the state of Roraima in Brazil. Its population is 12,626 and its area is 8,095 km².[citation needed] The city lies opposite the Takatu River from Lethem, Guyana and soon will be joined with Lethem by a bridge under construction in the Spring of 2007. The construction of the bridge had ceased but will resume under the direction of the Brazilian Ministry of Transportation. The bridge will link Bonfim and Roraima with the Atlantic port at Georgetown, Guyana.[1]

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2: 34
( Hushed-delicate classical guitar duet, played by compatriots of its late-great Brazilian composer. He preferred to be known as 'Tom Jobim')



pictured above: fitas